Neishabour Turquoise exporters in Asia

In fact, Neishabour is known for its precious stones that are extracted from its mines. Neishabour turquoise is one of the most precious stones in the whole world. The properties of turquoise have helped people in many diseases, which have been used in the treatment of many diseases. It is effective. Usually, turquoise mine is known as Neishabour. But when the cities around Neishabour expanded, Turquoise city was formed. However, turquoise mine was separated from Neishabour and became part of Turquoise city. For more information about Neishabour Turquoise exporters in Asia, visit our site.

Neishabour Turquoise exporters in Asia

which country export the most Neishabour Turquoise?

which country export the most Neishabour Turquoise?

This mine is the most important mine both in Iran and in the whole world. Due to its very good quality, it has been a leader in the types of turquoise and Ajami turquoise. Samples of turquoise in the Museum of London show the value of turquoise.

Turquoise mine covers a reserve of 9,000 tons and the production capacity of this mine is 19 tons per year. Approximately 8 to 10 kg of turquoise is obtained from each ton of raw turquoise in this mine.

The mining mountains are composed of nomolithic limestones with sandstone and slate. In the rocks are volcanic materials from the Cenozoic period which are profiled tracts. Turquoise is extracted by hammer in ancient times and today by gunpowder. Neishabour turquoise mines are divided into two categories which are earthy and mountain. It is currently being extracted in the mountainous part.

If we enter the valley from the east, where there is a mountain mine in Duran, there are four caves. The first cave that is seen is known as Abdul Razzaqi. Turquoise (turquoise) This cave is more valuable than other rocks. The second cave is called Red is famous. The third cave is known as Shah Cave and the fourth cave is called Aghali Cave.

Turquoise was originally mined with beam and gunpowder. It was better to extract with beam and colander because gunpowder crushed turquoise. Turquoise found in the earth mine is more valuable. There is an earth mine at the foot of the mountain Over time, due to weathering and erosion to snow and rain, mountain pebbles are mixed with soil and turquoise is found between them. Turquoise stone is polished after extraction. The larger and smoother the turquoise, the greater its value. This is how turquoise is extracted. Tunnels or wells are dug for extraction, the depth of which reaches up to 70 meters. Between 35 and 70 tons are extracted annually in the current area, of which 5 to 12% are pure turquoise. For more information about Neishabour Turquoise exporting countries visit our site.

Neishabour Turquoise exporters in 2020

Neishabour Turquoise exporters in 2020

Neishabour turquoise is exported to the whole world and has always found its fans. This stone is used in many decorative works. Turquoise is also used for decorating objects. In ancient times, it was the dream of Persian kings. So the importance and value of turquoise is more than you think, because over time to this day, turquoise is still used. For more information about Neishabour Turquoise exporters in 2020, visit our site.

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