buy silver jewelry wholesalers

Silver is one of the most abundant metals found in many places. Silver is sometimes found in solid form. For example, one day in Norway, a piece of silver was found that weighed 700 kilos! Silver is usually found in minerals that need to be separated. In these rocks, silver is often associated with sulfur, which forms silver sulfur, and sometimes with sulfur of other metals, most of which are copper-lead and arsenic. For more information about silver jewelry wholesalers visit our site.

buy silver jewelry wholesalers

Is pure silver good for jewelry?

Is pure silver good for jewelry?

Full-grade silver, from which silver jewelry and utensils are made, contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. The English call it sterling silver. The word sterling is derived from the name of a German family in northern Germany, whose name was Sterling. The members of the Stirling family were so honest that in 1215 King John of England commissioned them to make English coins. They did it so well and correctly that their names still remain on the precious objects. Silver does not darken in clean air, so when silver turns black, it indicates that there is some sulfur in the air. Gold and silver are metals that are easy to work with. From 28 grams of silver, a wire can be made that is more than 20 kilometers long. Silver is also known to be the best metal for conducting electricity and heat.

Silver is a white and shiny metallic element, placed in the forty-seventh position of the periodic table and represented by the symbol Ag, which comes from the word Argentum. Pure silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity among all elements. Along with gold, which is a rare and precious element, silver has been widely used in human history for thousands of years. Silver can kill 650 types of diseases caused by microorganisms. Applications of silver include jewelry, kitchen utensils, money, dental alloys, photography and industrial applications. Among the many uses of silver, the use of its antiseptic properties for health and medical purposes is significant and important; However, its mechanism of action has not yet been fully understood. Silver vessels were used in ancient times to store water and..

According to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, silver powder had healing and anti-morbid effects and was on the treatment list for wounds. Silver compounds were widely used in medical applications. Silver compounds were the main weapon against infectious wounds in World War I until antibiotics were developed. In 1884, German medical specialists at the CSF introduced an ocular solution of one percent silver nitrate, which is said to be the first documented scientific paper on the medical applications of silver. In addition, the use of silver sulfate creams is for antibacterial purposes, which is widely used for severe wounds and burns. For more information about silver jewelry price visit our site.

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silver jewelry wholesalers at cheap price

Metallic silver came in the form of very fine particles measured in nanometers. When these particles formed one-dimensionally less than 100 nanometers in size, they were called nanoparticles. These particles exhibit unusual physical and chemical properties and biological activity. For more information about semi precious gem distributors and silver jewelry wholesalers at cheap price, visit our site.

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