silver jewelry wholesale suppliers

After a while, a black layer forms on the surface of all silver jewelry, which is the result of a chemical reaction between silver and air or other materials. Blackening of silver is also a type of corrosion. Fortunately, unlike rust, it does not remove the metal substrate and is relatively easy to remove. Silver turns black more than anything else from the moisture in the air. Blackening of silver is the product of its oxidation, which is caused by the reaction of silver with elements such as oxygen, sulfur, as well as some acids. It is recommended that you never take silver jewelry with you when swimming, going to the sea or sauna. You need to clean your silver jewelry at regular intervals or when you feel that it has lost its luster. For more information about silver jewelry suppliers, visit our site.

silver jewelry wholesale suppliers

what is silver jewelry used for?

what is silver jewelry used for?

Genuine silver may have a yellowish-dark opacity over time. Although pure silver does not darken at room temperature, copper in 925 sterling silver combines with salt and sulfur in the air to darken the product.

This turbidity occurs even faster when silver is in contact with detergent and cosmetic chemicals such as Vitex and hair dye. Even if this chemical is our body’s natural sweat!

Unlike rhinestones that are covered in silver water (which can hardly be prevented from breaking down), the good news is that with a little care, the silver can be prevented or at least repelled. Even if the silver has dark and yellow spots, with a simple wash with water, it can be made as clear and shiny as the first day. Of course, what better if this washing (polishing) is done by a specialist.

One of the main properties of silver is oxidation. This means that if silver is exposed to humid air, it is likely to darken in color. Of course, this does not cause any defects for silver, and to clean it, it is enough to gently rub on the silver with a cotton swab to make it shine and shine like the first day. In some silver jewelry, gold water coating is used for more radiance and better beauty.

Gold water coating is a combination of gold with another metal that is drawn on silver as a standard thickness layer. In addition to giving the silver more shine, it protects it and prevents it from oxidizing (darkening). The cost of doing this varies according to the shape and weight of the silver jewelry and is calculated according to the type of work. In the section of types of coatings and plating in jewelry, you can find more familiarity with the types of coatings and plating used in the world of jewelry.

Gold is found all over the world only in yellow, and so far no mineral has been found anywhere in the world that offers gold in a different color. White gold plating is a combination of gold with another white metal (such as manganese, palladium, etc.). For more information about semi precious gem, visit our site.

silver jewelry suppliers at wholesale price

silver jewelry suppliers at wholesale price

Silver is one of the most precious metals and is always discussed along with the price of gold and currency and the price of silver, so buying silver is an investment in any case. Due to the dramatic increase in the price of gold, many people have turned to buying silver jewelry, and therefore the buying and selling of silver has flourished. For more information about silver jewelry suppliers at wholesale price, visit our site.

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